hi there were beeduo updates we update the ups and downs the most dead duo ever! enjoy your stay

made by @ranboodni

🌟 - 15 - he/xe/it + neos - twt
🕯️ - 15-17 - moon/end/dust - twt
☀️ - 13 - she/he + neos - twt
🌌 - 16 - it/star/kit/mew - twt
🐈⬛ - minor - any/all - twt
👑 - 18 - she/her - twt
🫧 - 17 - they/them - twt
🌻 - 16 - he/him + neos - twt

our boundaries: dni if you fit the basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, etc). please do not harass us to update something / get angry or harass us if we are late. we are okay with friendly dms explaining we missed something. do not message our personal accounts to inquire about the updates account, and if you do follow our personal accounts, make sure you've read carrds + boundaries. if we have done something wrong, message us and explain the issue. do not spam our dms but we dont mind the updates acc being added to gcs/lists. we do not tolerate any form of harassment, including to any of our admins' account. if you do so, you will be blocked.

ranboo's boundaries
YES ! swooning/admiring (if respectful). people saying they love him (/p). cosplay. pfps/layouts (if ur not involved in drama). angst in media. fanfiction (no nsfw, morally wrong, overly invasive or x readers). general ship of c!tubbo and c!ranboo (uncomfy with cuddling fanart. unclear with these boundaries so be careful making content of them). genderbends + feminine clothing. reuploaded content.
NO ! nsfw (not ok in any context). selling fanmerch. speculating + attempting to find personal information ab him. finding old clips of him on the internet. babying him (telling him to go eat etc). shipping. compare him to others/others to him. speaking for him. zoomed in pictures. making him swear. jokes ab his sexuality.T

tubbo's boundaries
YES ! pfps (if ur not involved in drama + he doesnt look bad). phone backgrounds. cosplay. general ship of c!tubbo and c!ranboo (unclear w these boundaries so be careful making content with them). fanfiction (no nsfw/morally wrong/ships/x readers). fanmerch. being called his real name. jokes ab his sexuality (if its CLEAR that its a joke). angst in media.
NO ! nsfw (not ok in any context). shipping. speculating about personal information + life (e.g sexuality). babying him. being disrespectful about his friends while having a pfp of him